8 x 10 cutting / serving board

8x10 cutting boardWe made up some special bamboo cutting boards for a long table meal featuring local food at The Village in Edinburgh Gardens, Fitzroy Melbourne recently. They where used to serve the lamb and impressed people at the meal so we thought we’d offer them up as a product; a handy compliment to our large round cutting board.

They are 8 x 10 inches, about 200 x 260mm (18mm thick) and made from laminated bamboo, a rapidly renewable material that has the perfect density for cutting boards. Lamination also makes them stable when regularly wet in washing.

As with many of our designs they are available, even though not listed on our online store yet, just email or call to order: usethings@usethings.com.au. Their price will be $30 including delivery in Australia or $22 from our Castlemaine store.

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