Environmentally savvy Australian carpet company Above Left recently redirected over 3000 square meters of carpet tile away from landfill with their rEcover program, which is designed to deal with carpet waste from office re-fits. This is a Product Stewardship program that they also apply to other makers products, i.e. taking back all brands of carpet not just their own. See more here.
Tim Preston of usethings developed the Product Stewardship scheme for Above Left as consultant in environmental programs and environmental verification (eco-lables). This Product Stewardship scheme enables EcoSoft tiles to achieve the highest level environmental label ECS level4 which is recognised within the GreenStar building rating system.
Above Left sell the innovative EcoSoft carpet tile (see image) that has recycled PET felt backing instead of the usual PVC or bitchumen backing. Above Left realise the value of environmental programs and have been a pleasure to work for and we are excited by the environmental performance of EcoSoft; not just its innovative backing but in the manufacturers committed approach to addressing the environmental impacts of carpet production.