Screen door for Redbeard

Redbeard screen door 2We are down at our favourite bakery RedBeard again. February is their time-out / maintenance period, and usehtings is assisting with a rejig and freshen up. Great to see how the major refit we did a couple of years ago is standing up.

Part of this years work was designing and making a fly screen door for the high-traffic doorway to the courtyard. It’s got to be tough (25mm recycled hardwood frame) and handle being bumped open by staff with their hands full. The angle bracing strengthens the frame and covers the high impact areas of the door to help the extra tough fly wire withstand heavy usage (especially with those who insist on pushing on the wire!). We spent some time today tuning the door closer to get the right swing that will help staff get in and out. As designers we can’t help going back to first principles then following through to make it right. This door is a shift from the symmetry of wooden screen doors that is based on traditional mortise & tennon perpendicular joins. Not many doors are made like that anymore so the contemporary joining methods can now escape the gravity of the past. There you go, more than you wanted to know about a design leap on a simple door in country bakery — who care’s about these small things? We do!

Drop by and check out the great bread and food when RedBeard re-open this weekend and you’ll see Deb’s improvements in display and lighting among the many tweaks that make this a lovely space.

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